Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Astralis and eSports.com sign new partnership deal

"Well into the seven digits."


Counter-Strike team Astralis and Rfrsh Entertainment have revealed a brand new partnership with eSports.com that unites the esports platform with the CS:GO team, in a new sponsorship deal valued "well into the seven digits".

Jakob Lund, Co-Founder of Rfrsh Entertainment and EVP of Sales, commented: "We have entered an agreement with eSports.com that will secure both parties massive and creative exposure and include a range of new ways of activating a partnership deal. ESports.com is investing to become the new go-to platform for everything eSports with unique content and experiences to all their users, and we in RFRSH Entertainment share their way of thinking - and their ambitions."

"Over the past 16 months, Astralis has grown to become a major eSports brand, and we are continuously investing to develop new and unique content around the brand. This is something we will exploit further with eSports.com who has shown a great commitment to the partnership by contributing to the biggest ever partnership for both Astralis and RFRSH Entertainment. We have agreed not to go into details, but eSports.com is investing well into the seven digits in this multi year deal."

Do you think that the partnership can be a good one for both sides?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Photo: Astralis

